Saturday, 31 January 2015

Released English subbed AKBingo! files Python script checker

obligatory screenshot of Okaro from the AKBingo! show
Continuing from what I posted of the Python script, here is yet another Python script. This time, it will check if you are up to date with the released English subbed files from different fansubbers. 

Since most of the main things that are needed are mostly coded in my previous Python script, this script was relatively easier to work on.

Take note that before you run this Python script, you have to first run the Python script as the filenames (the dates of broadcasts to be exact) rely on the renamed files.

Oops. These are the files I don't have ( & ignore my wallpaper if you're not a Hello!Project fan XD )

The following is what the script does:
  • Scrapes Half-san's masterlist using Beautiful Soup and makes it into JSON objects
  • Checks if the last column of each row in Half-san's masterlist is written "- Coming Soon -". If it is written "- Coming Soon -", it just means that it is not yet English subbed, so it ignores that line for checking of your files
  • Make a comparison using the date of broadcast if the released version exists in your files. If it doesn't, it shows up in the output and you will have a list

Some of the weaknesses of this script is the same as my previous Python script.
  • I only tested this in my Linux machine - I only have Linux operating system in my computers. The distribution I used for this is Linux Mint 13 Xfce (Ubuntu 12.04 derivative).
  • It runs in Python and Beautiful Soup for Python must also be installed. There are some extra steps needed if you have other operating systems besides Linux (which more popular distributions have the programming language pre-installed)

Anyway, here is the python script I made. Before using it, you have to specify the working directory at line 118. Be sure that the settings are in par with the previous AKBingo renamer Python script before using this (specifically, same naming of the dates).

If you have questions, comments or corrections, feel free to post at the Disqus comments section.