Friday, 1 August 2014

Final Fantasy PS1 PC Remakes on Linux (via Wine)

I tried testing out installing Microsoft Windows games on my Linux Mint 17 machine via Wine. I started out with StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty but I get stuck with the 3D graphics not rendering or just plain black

So I just decided installing Final Fantasy games for PlayStation One originally but been remade for the PC. They are Final Fantasy VII, and VIII. As I always say, I am not a gamer - but now, I can probably say that I'm just a casual gamer, not a hardcore one. 

Monday, 21 July 2014

Programming Shop Application for Hardware Store

My uncle from my mother's side asked to make an application for tracking earnings, inventory and other related sales for their hardware business shop. I started researching and studying how to make that kind of application.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Installing Ejecter App Indicator to Ubuntu 14.04 / Linux Mint 17 / Debian Jessie onwards

Today, I recently just installed Linux Mint 17 XFCE 64bit. I tried to install many apps I usually use including Ejecter. 

I was able to install it in my SolydX 64bit partition but I don't remember how I installed it in that system partition.

There was nothing that seem to work when I google it, as the posts seem outdated.